Blog Posts


How to Launch your own Capsule Closet

I have always been mystified by this amazing thing referred to as a capsule closet! It immediately makes me think of either a time capsule or some mystical science fiction gadget we haven't heard of before. Well, it turns out, if you use the concept to its full potential it is even cooler than both… Continue reading How to Launch your own Capsule Closet


15 Budget Friendly Organising Hacks

So being organised is like a secret desire of mine, however, with the chaos happening in my head it has always been difficult to stick to an organising system or to change everything up overnight. I have this fantasy for a white, grey and beige home that is spotless and organised, cute matching wooden boxes… Continue reading 15 Budget Friendly Organising Hacks


10 Strange Plants to Liven up your Garden

Being a Millenial we are a different kind of people. This means we like different, new, strange, out of the ordinary. This is for no other reason that having been on the precipice of a society that went from limited information to a flooding of access to information globally. On that note, I love exploring… Continue reading 10 Strange Plants to Liven up your Garden