DIY Projects

Making Recycled Gift Bags

Gift bags have always been a favourite of mine, they look beautiful, it isn’t easy to go wrong with them and you can reuse them after the gift has been received.

But man! Have you seen the prices of these gift bags nowadays, not only that, they are also a little limited with their designs.

With this tutorial you can customize the size and style of your gift bag. Using old wrapping paper you can make birthday, floral, Christmas and other event themed baggies. You can use old magazines for a chic look or even newspaper (as in my video below) for a retro look.

Step 1: Get your Goodies Together

You will need paper of your choice (newspaper, cartoons, wrapping paper, etc), a pair of scissors, a glue stick, sticky tape, a ruler and rope/string for your baggie handles.

Ensure that the paper you have is the right size for your required gift bag, joining pieces is also an option and may even help the gift bag take shape crisply.

Step 2: Cut and Fold your Paper to Size

If you have an existing gift bag in the size you are looking for, use this as a template for your own one. In the event that you do not have one, use your gift itself to work out your required dimensions. Once you have the size you need, fold the dimensions as shown in the video. Please make sure you have equal sizing for the front and back and for the two sides.

*Remember: a section of the bottom will be folded away to close the bag, so ensure that this is not necessary for the height of your gift bag.

Step 3: Fold & Stick the Bottom of the Baggie

As shown in the video, fold the end you have chosen to be the bottom as if you were wrapping a rectangle Christmas present. You will need to use sticky tape on the inside to help secure the bottom in order to hold a gift, especially if it is heavy. You can even add a properly sized cardboard insert to the bottom for added support (not shown in video).

Step 4: Measure and Attach your Handles

Measure how long you want your handles to be and where you want them placed, then cut your string/rope/ribbon to size, ensuring that there is enough on each end to make a secure knot. Cut out small holes (not too big as your handle knots may slip through) and feed your handles through, tying them off at the ends.

Step 5: Give your Gift

Now that you have successfully conquered this DIY go ahead and give your awesome gift, even add a signature or calling card on the gift bag if you choose.

Well done! I am supremely thrilled for you and happy that you joined me for this tutorial.

Much Love, BohBli

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